
Posts Tagged ‘Gavin Creel’

Now I just need to get to new york to see this cast…my life will not be complete otherwise.

My life will, in fact, be complete.

A few weeks ago my parents surprised me by saying the words I have been wanting to hear all summer:

We’re going to New York City.

The trip is happening this Thanksgiving weekend – a week after my birthday. The adventure will commence on Friday morning when my parents arrive in Kingston to pick up myself and my wonderful friend Ally. She’s my guest on our weekend in NYC because she’s a very good friend of mine and this trip and seeing Hair will be equally as important to her as it will to me, as she is one of the people I have been obsessing with all summer. Seriously, when we’d email at work, for at least two months our emails opened with a different quote from the soundtrack. I’m sure that if you piece together the random quotes we shared you could have the whole soundtrack. Hahah. Once we ran out of Hair quotes we moved onto Harry Potter quotes, and for at least a month we played “Amorentia, Imperius, Avada Kedavra” in each of our emails. Two peas, I tell you.

Anyway, back to the trip. We’re driving to New York City on Friday, then we’ll check into our hotel and go out on the town for dinner and everything. Saturday we will do some touristy things, walk through Central Park, 5th avenue, Times Square Magnolia bakery, FAO Schwarz, Tiffany’s etc etc. Saturday night is when Ally and I are going to see Hair, which will be sooo amazing.  After the show we will obviously go to the stage door and meet our idols (Gavin Creel, Allison Case, Caissie Levy, Kacie Sheik, Andrew Kober, Bryce Ryness, Will Swenson and the list goes on). I’m sure that we will be too excited to even think, let alone go to bed, so we’ll be out on the town until it’s socially unacceptable. Sunday we will be extending our stay as long as possible then we’ll be heading back to Kingston where my parents will be staying until they head back to toronto on the holiday monday.

Ally, my parents and I have been talking about the trip for about a month but even still it seems entirely surreal – like a dream. I’ve wanted to see the show since May and talked about having to go to NY, but never did I think I’d actually get there.

My first Broadway show…wow.

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So,  I’ve been absent recently. I have no excuse other than that I have been at work every day since the beginning of May and therefore, not on the computer very often, because once I get home from work, where I stare at a computer screen all day, the last thing I want to do is go on the computer.

So, there.

Nothing much has happened since I got off school. I re-decorated my room, which is nice because, well, my room’s nice now. I also went to kingston for a weekend to visit friends which resulted in A LOT of drunken pictures, which are hilarious and surprisingly some of the best pictures of us…funny how that works…

But most of all, I’ve been listening and obsessing over the Broadway revival of the 1968 musical, HAIR. Words can honestly not describe the amount of awesome that radiates from the beautiful human beings that make up this new cast. There’s Gavin Creel, the beautiful, charming, marriage equality activist who plays the main character, Claude; Will Swenson, hilarious, witty and the perfect Burger; and my favourite…Allison Case. She only has a small role, but when you watch her, you cannot take your eyes off her. I’ve only seen youtube clips, but I swear she radiates the emotion of the entire cast through her face…it’s brilliant. I want to grow up to be her.

Now I just need to get to new york to see this cast…my life will not be complete otherwise.

Peace. Flowers. Freedom. Happiness. and of course…

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