
Posts Tagged ‘movies’



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blog-photos11this movie will be incredible…

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Stolen from Rosianna

Real blog coming soon, I promise.


– Available: Yes, sir.
– Age: 20 minus 1. AKA Legal in Canada, what up?
– Annoyance: My stuffy nose and the fact that I ran out of tissues.
– Animal: I am quite fond of Owls.
– Actor: ummm. oh god no idea. Next question.
– Actress: AUDREY HEPBURN! I’m reading her bio right now and my oh my she’s fascinating.


– Beer: No thank you? If I must, Rickard’s White or Harp.
– Birthday/Birthplace: October 4th/ Toronto.
– Best Friends: Are lovely.
– Body Part on the opposite sex: Backs, Eyes, Forearms.
– Best feeling in the world: A Bottomless Cup of tea, Harry Potter and a Warm Fire.
– Best weather: Cold enough that I have to wear a jacket, scarf and maybe mittens, but no snow or  precipitation of any sort so I can wear whatever shoes I like, with blue sky and sun.
– Been on stage?: Band, choir, assemblies, commencement etc.
– Believe in yourself?: Not enough.
– Believe in life on other planets: I hope for it. It makes our life on earth make more sense.
– Believe in miracles: Again, I hope for them.
– Believe in Magic: I believe in the belief in Magic.
 Believe in Religion: I believe in it in the sense that it exists and that I know it has been the institution that all societies were built on, but personally do I believe in a religion? Not particularly no, however I’m open to all religious beliefs and the idea that a Historical Jesus/Moses/Buddha/Muhammad/[insert other deity here] existed. I’m a Religious Studies minor…I could go for days on this topic.
– Believe in Santa: I believe in the spirit of giving, cheer and joy that Santa Claus represents, so yes, I do believe in Santa.
– Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Yes, I believe in transparent lingering souls.


– Car: I wish. 
– Candy: Sour Fruit Salad, Sweet Tarts, Reese’s Pieces.
– Cried in school: Quite often, actually.
– Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
 Chinese/Mexican: I’d prefer Thai.
– Cake or pie: Ice Cream Cake.
– Country to visit: I’d love to go back to England, and I NEED to go to New York, but next I think I’d either like to go to Scotland or Italy, maybe Holland.


– Day or Night: Evening.
– Dream vehicle:  I would really  like to apparate.
– Dance: Ice Dance, specifically the Quickstep or Viennese.
– Dance in the rain?: LOVE IT.
– Do the splits?: Yessir.


– Eggs: In my fridge.
– Eyes: I like them sexy, interesting and bespectacled.
– Everyone has a: story to tell.
– Ever failed a class?: Negative.


– First crush: Brian, ewww he’s so gross now. lol.
– Full name: Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore…wait, what?
– First thoughts waking up: “don’t make me”


– Greatest Fear(s): Spiders, Boats, revolving doors.
– Goals: Too many, all of which I am not ambitious enough to achieve.
– Gum: Delish.
– Get along with your parents?: Most of the time.
– Good luck charm: When I was competing for Skating I always wore the same pair of underwear…yes, they were washed regularly.


– Hair Colour: Brun.
– Height: 5′5″
– Happy: Content
– Holiday: Christmas
– How do you want to die: Once I’ve done everything I want to do, lived happily and in a way where I don’t know it’s happening, so, in my sleep.
 Health freak?: Not really, but i am healthy.
– Hate: hate.


 Ice Cream: Yes, please.
– Instrument: Because I played it, alto sax. But I love myself a good jazz trumpet.


– Jewellery: Tiffany necklace and a claddagh.
– Job: Student. But I need one for the summer. Fuck.


– Kids: I hope so.
– Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxing. No wooden boards involved.
– Keep a journal?: I have, and do.


– Longest Car Ride: To Chicoutimmi, Quebec for Nationals in 2007. 14 hours, baby.
– Love: is confusing.
– Letter(s): are the best kind of mail.
– Laughed so hard you cried: not recently.
 Love at first sight:myth. Not in the false sense, but in the so magical that it can only be expressed in divine, mythical ways.


– Milk flavour: Skim?
– Movie: Roman Holiday or Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
– Mooned anyone?: No sir.
– Marriage: One and only.
– Motion sickness?: BOATS. omg kill me.
– McD’s or BK: Gross and grosser.


– Number of Siblings: zero.
– Number of Piercings: 4, but two have closed.
– Number: 10, 7, 4.


– Overused Phrases: “like”
– One phobia: creepy, crawly, eight-legged monsters.


– Place you’d like to live: London. No question.
– Perfect Pizza: Gerrard Pizza House.
– Pepsi/Coke: San Pellegrino.


– Quail: man. Remember DOUG? Anyone?


– Reason to cry: suck.
– Reality T.V.: so five years ago.
– Radio Station: none. 


– Song: Maybe I Will – Julia Nunes.
– Salad: is what I’m having for dinner.
– Shrimp?: Cocktail!
– Sport?: Skating, soccer, Field Hockey.
– Skipped school: Not this year!
 Slept outside: Yep.
 Seen a dead body?: Of my dogs.
– Shower Daily?: Unless I’m lazy or sick.
– Sing well?: Decently.
– Stuffed Animals?: A husky, a bunny, a westie.
– Single/Group dates: Single. Not that I’ve been on a date in the past 3 years. Wow. That’s sad.
 Strawberries/Blueberries: Raspberries.
 Scientists need to invent: a cure for all maladies.


– Time for bed: now. I need a nap.
– Thunderstorms: Are the strangest when it’s snowing outside. Seriously, it happened last week.
– TV: HIMYM, Gossip Girl, Big Bang Theory, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice.
– Touch your tongue to your nose?: Yep.


– Unpredictable: exciting.


– Vegetable you hate: I’m not too keen on zucchini.
– Vegetable you love: Red Peppers, preferably roasted.
– Vacation spot: Somewhere not hot or sunny, thank you.


– Weakness: Sweets.
– When you grow up: I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, wanna be in movies. Actually, not at all. I want to be happy.
– Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Probs Jazz or Caitlin.
– Who makes you laugh the most: Neil Patrick Harris. 
– Worst feeling: Like you won’t achieve anything.
– Wanted to be a model: Nope.
– Worst weather: Slushy snow, or minus 30 degree weather.


-X-Ray: wild.


-Year now?: 2009
Yellow: is the colour of my bedroom and the tights i’m wearing.


– Zoo animal: Elephants and Polar Bears.
 Zodiac sign: Libra. Ohm.

Last person who:

– Saw you cry: Lara, when I finished reading The Book Thief.
– Went to the movies with you: Lara and Lynsie, Bride Wars on Saturday night.
– You went to the mall with: Alexa? I can’t really remember, it was over holidays.
– Went to dinner with: Mum and Dad, Curry Originals, saturday before school started up again.
– Talked to on the phone: Mum.
– Made you laugh: My prof in Hebrew Scriptures this morning.

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You know what’s wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You’re chicken, you’ve got no guts. You’re afraid to stick out your chin and say, “Okay, life’s a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that’s the only chance anybody’s got for real happiness.” You call yourself a free spirit, a “wild thing,” and you’re terrified somebody’s gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you’re already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it’s not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It’s wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.

Paul Varjak – Breakfast at Tiffany’s




best. movie. ever.

Today’s Song:

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