
Posts Tagged ‘urban outfitters’

Ya ya ya… I’ve missed a few days of beda.

Anyway. This pillow is new on urbanoutfitters.com . I want it but it’s “online only” and can only be shipped within the United States.


So, if there’s anyone in the states who wants to buy me this pillow and I’ll send you a cheque, that’d be great.

8 days guys!

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You know those days when you wake up, it’s surprisingly gorgeous outside, and you have school work to do that prevents you from enjoying the weather and the fresh air?

Today is one of those days.

For the past couple of days it’s been raining like crazy (as you would know if you’ve been reading my blog since BEDA began), therefore I had not showered for a good 2 days (personal hygiene does not matter when you’re only seeing your housemates), really gotten dressed at all and I have obviously not been outdoors. I was beginning to lose sense of all space and time, being cooped up for so long. and breaking routine is not good for my sanity. So, this morning, when I opened my blinds to see a unexpected, beautiful sunny day, there was no way I could focus and do any of the work that I had to do today. I procrastinated for a very long time; watching episodes of [scrubs], putting away laundry, cleaning my room, showering, getting dressed, snapping pictures on dailybooth…

Eventually I decided to sit down at my desk and begin work on my take-home exam that’s due on the 16th, but found myself severely distracted by the beautiful day that lay outside my window. I was all dressed (in a rather cute outfit, may I add) with no place to go, so why not go somewhere, I thought. I couldn’t waste a beautiful day like today, so I gathered my things and headed outside for a stroll.


In my experience, when feeling like this, a walk can be extremely beneficial to the successful completion of work. When you’re distracted by what’s going on outside your study bubble, I find that it’s best to take a walk for about an hour either through your neighbourhood, to some stores, or through a nearby valley or park, because honestly you’d probably spend about an hour (if not more) dreaming about what you could be doing instead of your work.


Today I opted for the stroll down to the shops in downtown Kingston, mostly because there’s an Indigo, several Starbucks and an Urban Outfitters to entertain me. I believe that a walk is best broken up by some good window shopping (and maybe some actual shopping) so your thoughts aren’t completely occupied by the things you have to do, and thoughts of the things you want to do (ie. shopping) can be engaged, thereby getting them out of the way so you can truly focus on the work you’ll be doing in the near future.

Now, I know this is beginning to sound like yet another procrastination tool (I’m starting to sound like a professional procrastinator already, only 5 days into BEDA…my goodness), but I believe that taking a walk is a constructive way to gather thoughts and to meditate on the things that you want to accomplish when you actually sit down to work. From experience I can honestly say that going on a walk has definitely helped rid my distractions and allowed me to successfully complete school related tasks on more than one occasion.

So, next time you feel distracted and unfulfilled in regards to your dreadful day of study indoors, avoid cabin fever by venturing into the outside world and doing the things you don’t think you can do while studying, because in the grand scheme of things, it will help you focus.

Now…dinner then work.


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If today was productive, or unproductive. You tell me:

Productive: I figured out what I’m going to write by Buddhism paper on…

Unproductive: But I haven’t done any school work…at all.

Productive: but I did go get a book to help me write said essay (The Complete Poems of Walt Whitman).

Unproductive: but after buying said book I spent 1.5 hours downtown shopping and got three things off my wish list from a previous blog post (blue skirt, AA Bodysuit, belt) and spent too much moneeez. 

Productive: responded to all outstanding social networking messages, etc.

Unproductive: see above.

You see my dilemma? 

Despite that, however, I will spend sometime updating this lovely blog here by posting a *puts on announcer voice* TEA OF THE DAY-day-day (see the echo effect there? snazzy, right?). 

Today’s tea is a Starbucks Grande Unsweetened Non-Fat Black Tea Latte. It’s my new regular order from Starbs. I get it unsweetened because I’m not a huge fan of their classic syrup (it’s just…sweet) and I like my tea strong rather than sweet and the tea latte is better than just a tea because it’s, well, delicious and comforting. It’s a pretty basic tea, but I just say KISS (keep it simple, silly). 


Speaking of cheesy phrases, the English Department just sent out their clothing order forms and they decided on the WORST slogan for the year clothing. The geniuses decided on “English Majors: You Do the Math”. 

What? I get it, but really? That’s the best they could come up with? “You do the Math”? I mean haha, we’re english majors so we hate numbers, but it’s such a terrible clothing slogan. If I were on the committee I would have gone with something like, “English Majors: We Kiss by the Book” to allude to the classic line from Romeo and Juliet. Oh, Petrarchian conceits and Juliet’s rejection of them *sigh*. Needless to say, I’m not wasting 40 dollars on an American Apparel zip-up hoody this year. Terrible. 

Maybe I’ll go be productive now…


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I went to the Urban Outfitters website and I caught the “omg-I-want-to-go-shopping-so-bad” bug. As a result, I spent several hours (when I should have been doing school work) searching the interwebs and compiling a wish-list-collage. Wanna see?


Also, since I’m heading back home in a couple months (only for four months but whatever) and my room is still pink and blue and covered in crappy posters and old photos and my bed is still a tiny single bed that physically hurts me when I sleep in it. So, i also browsed Urban for lovely decor, as well as some other sites for stuff to put in my room once i paint  it (dark purple) and get a new bed and stuff:


Oh, there’s also some plain awesome stuff that i want (such as how i met your mother season 3 on dvd) and am looking forward to (spring awakening and harry potter and the half-blood prince movie, obviously). 

So there you go, that’s what I have been doing lately. 

Fun times.

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